2016年7月3日 星期日

Benefits of Home Shopping

Benefits of Home Shopping

Shopping is one of the simple pleasures in life. But what happens when shopping is not so simple anymore, where the drama of overcrowded malls, parking problems, and never ending lines dims the excitement? This is where the simple solution of home shopping comes into the picture.

Bring out the woolies and the cocoa, winter is here, and with it the holiday season. With Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year around the corner there is cheer and gift-giving galore. With the holiday season come the crowds on the streets, parking woes, and, of course, malls brimming with overenthusiastic teenagers and shoppers.

There is a simple solution to all those things that dampen your holiday spirit. What if you were told there is a way where you can avoid parking unavailability, long checkout lines, the never ending hunt for the perfect gift, and the fatigue that it brings. This is what brings me to the brilliance that is the Internet. The Internet allows you to shop from home, and at your own convenience and pace.

Why Shop at Home?

Why give up the thrill of going out and experiencing the exciting and crazy world that most shoppers enjoy? It could be that you are a working mother who does not have the time to spare to go mall hopping. Or you could be an overworked professional who doesn't want to be caught up in the melodrama of shopping at malls. Whatever the reason, most people are now exploring a whole new world on home shopping.

Most departmental and apparel stores have websites, which makes it convenient for people to shop at home. All you need is a credit card and a personal computer, and you are ready to go. The convenience of shopping at your own pace and at any time is what has made home shopping so popular. You can enjoy some shopping time before bed, or when you are not getting sleep. You can even shop before breakfast, or when you have some spare time at work.

Benefits of Home Shopping

Convenience: Shoppers can shop from home at their own convenience. No more worrying about reaching the mall before it closes. You can shop whenever you want, in the morning, late at night, or even during your lunch hour at work.
Variety: All the variety is at your fingertips, literally! No more shuttling between stores and traveling for miles till you find that perfect gift for your friends, family, or special someone. It is all available on the Internet. At the click of a button you can access stores across countries and continents.
Bargains: You will be surprised with the amount of bargains you will find online. You can find everything from free gifts, huge discounts, and free shipping online. Home shopping need not be dull or expensive. In fact, it is cheaper and a whole lot more exciting.
Quality: You can be assured of the quality of the stuff you buy online. You will find that most online stores have a special reviews column with every item; this helps you understand what the others buyers have to say about the items. And if you are not satisfied by the product or quality, you can always return it within the stipulated time period and get your money back.
Security: Do not be worried about using your credit card for home shopping. Home shopping is perfectly safe and secure. All your personal information that is available through your credit card is encrypted and completely secure. Leave all your woes about hacking and identity theft aside, and enjoy the thrill of shopping.

Home shopping is as simple as it gets. You need not worry about complicated procedures and technical difficulties! Just connect to the website, browse items, add them to your 'cart', and pay using your credit card. All very simple and easy. Within 21 days your item will be shipped to you. Shopping really can't get better than this.

Pros and Cons of Online Shopping

Pros and Cons of Online Shopping

A lot of people nowadays prefer to shop online because it is so convenient and easy. Every consumer who has experienced it will have his/her own views about it. This article will give you a clear picture about the positives and negatives of online shopping so that you can easily analyze its risks and benefits.

With increased use of Internet, more and more people are drawn towards online shopping. This means of buying products has gained immense popularity in today's times. Earlier, Internet was only accessible to people of developed countries, but recent revolution has made it accessible to almost all parts of the world. With increased awareness, people now flock towards Internet for shopping. The concept of shopping goods through online services has been highly recognized and accepted, as it provides several benefits to the customer. However, every good aspect has a bad side to it and this is applicable to online shopping as well. The advantages and disadvantages of this kind of convenience shopping are listed below.


The best part of online shopping is that you can shop from home. There is no need to go to the mall to purchase the item you need. You just need to order and it will be available right at your doorstep.
As you shop from the comfort of your home, you save on gas and time that would otherwise have been spent to reach to the nearest store and look for the desired product.
It is convenient and easy! You do not need any degree to learn online shopping. All you have got to do is, visit the website, search for your product and buy it. Your product is just a click away!
Shopping online gives you the privilege to shop whenever you want. The stores are never closed and you can do your shopping 24x7.
It provides variety to the buyer. You don't need to jump from shop to shop to look for varieties of a product available in the market. The options available online are many and this is one of the best features of online shopping.
Shopping from malls and stores makes it difficult to compare between features and prices of products. Shopping through websites provides simplified comparison of products and helps in deciding which one should be purchased.
Many websites device special discount schemes from time to time to attract customers. You can always buy products under such schemes and save a lot of money.
It keeps annoying salesperson at bay. Aggressive salesmen often pressurize you to buy their products. This harassment can be simply escaped by shopping using the Internet.


The first disadvantage is that there is a time lag between you making the payment and the delivery of the product.
You cannot try out the product before buying it. Many people like to try things out before making the payment. This feature remains missing when you buy a product online.
High shipping costs often add up to the total cost of the product. Companies usually set very high shipping costs, which add to the total expenditure. Also, if the product is shipped from another country, you are liable to pay extra taxes for it.
The payment mode may not be secure. With increased security issues, making online payment through debit or credit cards might be an insecure mode of transaction. It is therefore important to check whether the payment gateway is secured or not.
Possibility of product damage while shipping cannot be nullified. If the product received is damaged, it may again take several days for replacement or the company may not provide any replacement at all.
The ease of shopping can be extremely dangerous for shopaholics, as they may get provoked to buy many items at a time leading to unwanted expenditure.
The incidence of billing errors is high and if you encounter one, you will again have to follow a long procedure and wait for several days before the error gets resolved.
You need to have a debit or credit card to make a purchase. Very few websites give you the option of paying cash or check on delivery.
If you are trying this shopping method for the first time, I will advise you to get some tips for safe online shopping from your friends and relatives who have already tried it out, so that you do not make any mistakes. Also, weigh the pros and cons and decide for yourself whether you would like to go for it or not.

Why Do Girls Love Shopping So Much?

Why Do Girls Love Shopping So Much?
"I have nothing to wear. I have to buy new clothes." It is a common refrain you will hear if you live with a woman or have a close friend who is a girl. And if you are like most guys, then you will wonder about the allure that shopping holds for women. Here it is from the horse's mouth...

"You know that thing when you see someone cute and he smiles and your heart kind of goes like warm butter sliding down hot toast? Well that's what it's like when I see a store. Only it's better." - Rebecca Bloomwood, Confessions of a Shopaholic
Comparing a physical attraction to buying something seems a little far-fetched, doesn't it? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. It's not a comparison I would personally make, but I understand it. Shopping means different things to every woman - a necessity, a sanctum, a religion, a way of life, an adventure. Whatever be the meaning of shopping in their life, it remains important to them. Most men do not understand how something that involves walking around, trying fifteen things, and lugging around huge bags can be relaxing, but then it is a girl thing. We do not expect you to understand but we will try to explain the rationale (if you can call it that) behind it.

What Does Science Have To Say

Most men (and I say men because they always seem bewildered by our love for buying things) tend to think that our indulgence in malls has to do with an emotional weakness, our inability to resist pretty things, our need to have what the another woman has, and also an excuse to just spend some time with our girls. While all of these may or may not be true (I'll reserve comment on that for later), science is on our side and gives us a very valid, basic explanation for the shopping itch.

Scientists have spent a lot of time trying to figure out the seemingly irrational love women have for shopping. And if their research is anything to go by, then it is all in our genes. It is a primeval instinct, one that we have inherited from our ancestors. According to a study released in 2009 by Daniel Kruger, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Michigan, it is only natural that women like to shop. The instinct dates to back to a time when the male was primarily, 'the hunter' and the female, 'the gatherer'. Men looked for a prey, hunted it, and brought it back. Women gather fruits and vegetables. They foraged for the ones that were ripe and sweet, selected the best of the lot and brought it back home. 

Millennia later the basics remain the same. If you send a man shopping, the chances that he will walk into the store and walk out with exactly what he needs are very high. At the same time, send a woman in and she will look, rummage, and forage for the best possible option, buy a couple of other things in the process, and come out at least ten times happier with herself. It is our need to ensure that we are providing our family and ourselves with the best options there are. We are checking the metaphorical fruits for signs of ripeness.

So the next time you wonder why we enjoy shopping so much, remember that even science agrees that it is a genetic flaw that we have to look for the best.

What The Fairer Sex Has To Say

When I started writing this article, it only seemed fair that I ask other women why they indulge in retail therapy. Some self-confessed shopping addicts had a lot to say, from how it helped them de-stress to how it was difficult to resist a shiny, pretty, little thing. Others emphasized on how it made them happy. And there were still some (a minority) who talked about how despite the fact that they did not love shopping, it was a necessity. The reasons I give in this article are a cumulation of what all of us think.

Because it Makes us Happy

"Why do girls love shopping? The answer is simple, it makes us happy! And don't they say happy girls are the prettiest?" - Meenu Goel

First things first. This is true for every person who walks the earth. I know many men who would attest to the fact that owning new things makes them happy. Retail therapy is not a textbook theory. It is actually true. When you are depressed or feeling a little down and out, buying something new can work wonders for your soul. It may not last a long time but the effect is pretty magical. One of my friends describes the mood-elevating effect that shopping can have in the best possible terms, "It's almost as good as having a chocolate-filled, chocolate-covered donut." Who could disagree?

Because we Love Pretty

"For me, shopping is like religion. People go to churches and temples to find inner peace and calm, and I go to malls to find the same. The moment I see something that is blingy and bright, I need to have it. When my card is swiped and I finally have the beautiful coral top that I had been coveting a month, I feel instantly happy." - Rimlee Bhuyan

Beautiful things are to a woman what a flame is to a moth. Maybe the comparison is a little skewed because the moth does die in the process, but you get the picture. We cannot resist pretty things. The moment we see something that is breathtakingly attractive we are possessed by an irresistible need to own the same. We have an intrinsic desire to look beautiful and dress up. We like to make our surroundings look good. So while a guy may not see anything pretty in a birdcage (if you do not have a pet bird), we may look at it for what it can be; a lamp, a jewelry holder, or even just a knickknack for a corner of the room. We like the basics, but we love our gild.

Because we Have the Money

"I love carrying multiple shopping bags and walking down the street! And at that time all I want to tell onlookers is, "Self-indulgence is blissful!" - Puja Lalwani

As someone who has been working for just about five years or so, I can vouch for the fact that there is something extremely freeing about being able to spend your own hard-earned money on yourself and the people you love. There is a sense of independence in being able to buy a pair of Steve Madden shoes without the guilt of spending someone else's money. It is nice to know that when you get your paycheck at the end of the month, it is yours to spend and to save. No one wants a debt-ridden life, but an indulgence once in a while is great way to remind yourself that you are special.

Because the World is Not Enough

"A woman shops and then shops for more, because she can never have enough pairs of shoes or clothes or whatever it takes to make her look and feel good about herself."- Ashwini Kulkarni Sule

We see that one pretty dress in the display of a designer boutique, save enough money, go and buy it. The exhilaration lasts just a while before we see another dress that we just must have. It is a familiar situation for all of us. Women are never satisfied with what they have. Even if our closet is bursting at its seams, we will still never have anything to wear. We can never have enough clothes, shoes, bags, and accessories. It is a girl thing that is mystifying to men. Trust me that as a woman no amount of introspection has helped me find a valid reason for it, except that it is human tendency to always want more.

Because it's Much More than Shopping
"When women get together for shopping, it's not just SHOPPING that goes on. There's chatting, gossip, brunches, hugs, cribbing, and all other fun things that give us our very own SATC experience! Which girl wouldn't want that!" - Sujata Iyer

For us it is about the experience. Period. If your girl tells you that she is going out shopping with her friends, then remember that it probably includes lunch, gossip, coffee, and more. We thrive in the company of our girls. We love them, we hate them, but we cannot live without them. We need their opinion on everything and what better time to get their views than while shopping? Add to that the benefits that retail therapy allows for. All that walking around in malls does burn a lot of calories. Put all of that together and it does make up for a dream day.

Because we Think we Need Certain Things

"Everything I do has to be done as per the textbook. Which means that I cannot make do with immediately available resources. I need the proper tools and devices to go about the jazz. If I am to cook, I will end up buying all kinds of spatulas, woks, cooking spoons, spoons, forks and the works. I will buy sauces of various kinds and then remember how exotic herbs are a must in every kitchen and then move over to the section which sells food I probably eat once in two years." - Ankana Dey Choudhury

Women tend to do things in a certain order. We hate chaos. We like stuff to be kept just so and we like to use the right object for the right purpose. Also we are hoarders. Case in point, my mom keeps buying jewelry that she never wears and hopes that I will, knowing fully well that it is a hope against hope. We will buy clothes that we want to alter just a little so that they flatter us, pendants that will look great as earrings, heels that we will never wear, a fur jacket which is useless in the tropical island that we live in; all because in our heads we come up with a use for them sometime in the future. It is a problem that we readily acknowledge.

Because Contrary to Popular Belief, we Do Need Certain Things

"I'm not one for impulsive shopping. Though I do indulge myself on rare occasions, I generally step out when I simply cannot postpone it any further (read: when the sole of my slipper comes off, when I'm out of fresh veggies, when the dog food needs replenishing...)." - Niharika Arya

It may come as a huge shock but there are times when we shop only because we need to. Oh and before I forget, there are actually women out there who do not like to shop. Sorry to burst that little bubble. Yes, we all have our moments of insanity, but not all of us dream of having designer clothes, shoes, and bags. The generalization comes from the same book that said men love their gadgets. We are actually capable of walking into a store, buying things off a list, and coming back home without spending an extra minute on anything else. And no, I'm not talking fantasy fiction here.
Shopping is a lot of things to a lot of people. Truth be told, the journey can be tiresome. There are days when shopping expeditions can leave you feeling dejected, ugly, and depressed. No dress fits you right and no color flatters you. Those are the days when you want to curl up into a cocoon and stay there never to come out. But on most other days, it can be the only thing to cheer you up. To most women, it is not only the experience of buying something new, it is the thrill of looking for something that they did not own before. It is like a treasure hunt, a game that you are playing alone. A mission, at the end of which, you find something that was lovingly created only for you. And for that, we love shopping.

最後 1 日 ! 以後無得玩淘寶 ? 支付寶「實名制」殺到 香港人 9 大誤解

最後 1 日 ! 以後無得玩淘寶 ? 支付寶「實名制」殺到 香港人 9 大誤解

五月 17, 2016 • 城中熱話生活娛樂買物情報重點消息 •
之前支付寶方面已經宣佈了日後需要綁定中國國內開設的銀行賬戶,否則就需要在 5 月 20 日零時前將當中餘額用盡。不過筆者綜觀各大討論區及身邊朋友意見,其實大家對此事有不少誤解!就等 unwire.hk 趁此機會,為大家澄清9 大誤解,等大家唔好傻下傻下誤會哂啦!


2016 年 7 月 1 日起《非銀行網絡支付管理辦法》條例將會在中國生效,因此作為中國支付平台之一的支付寶,亦需要實行帳戶實名制,而做法是要綁定在中國本地銀行開設的銀行卡(香港的銀行卡或信用卡不計算在內)。如果大家沒有中國內地銀行的銀行卡,在 5 月20 日凌晨開始就不能再使用支付寶,用唔到佢付費,咁點淘貨呢 ?
所以如果有用開支付寶淘嘢的 wire 民,就要留意了。當然,如果你並非用支付寶俾錢,例如國際信用卡、PPS、八達通、支付寶購物卡、Jetco、中銀卡快捷支付、永旺快捷支付方式,則不用理會了。

誤解 1.1 中國本地銀行戶口,一定要上大陸開

記者曾走訪建行的香港分店,職員回覆香港人如需要開設國內銀行戶口,可以申請名為「陸港通龍卡」服務,流程方面,首先用戶需要在香港建行分行開設香港銀行戶口並領取提款卡,然後會交到深 圳東門及福田的指定兩間分行開設建行內地的銀行戶口,而兩個互口可以聯連互通,之後便可以完成國內銀行戶口服務。
不過若要使用淘寶支付寶之類的網上服務,則要再在位於中環及尖沙咀的建行分行申請國內網上銀行戶口並領取 USBKey 銀盾(即: Token) 才可使用網上服務,整個見証過程約需 1 個月時間處理。要特別留意的是,申請國內網上銀行戶口必須要提供內地手機號碼才能接收 SMS,而銀行職員再三叮囑香港買到的一卡雙號卡可能在香港間中出現收唔到內地 SMS 短訊情況,不少客人反映曾被這個問題拖住整個申請程序。另外亦要注意即使在香港使用網上戶口轉賬至內地賬戶,亦會當作跨境電匯處理(每筆交易需收取 $100 手續費),而每日交易亦不可超過 $80,000 港幣。 據建行銀行職員指出,其實親身返內地銀行開戶可能更快更方便,在一日時間便可開設所有賬戶(包括:內地戶口、網上銀行及香港戶口),只需帶同回鄉卡、身份證、小量現金及申請一張內地電話卡接收 SMS 便可,比起在香港使用見證服務開立戶口快捷得多,趕時間的朋友不妨直接到深圳分行開戶。

2:有些朋友收到要補全身份信息的短信通知,點解我無呢?係咪 send 漏咗?

根據淘寶官方表示,支付寶已針對賬戶內有餘額的淘寶會員發出這則要補全身份信息的短訊、電郵、站內訊、App內通知,並由 4月底開始,針對部份大餘額用戶開放引導補全身份信息的通道,並在59日向所有受影響用戶推送和開放補全身份信息通道。如果沒有收到,可能代表你的賬戶內其實已經沒有餘額吧?不過如果 unwire.hk 讀者穩陣起見,其實可 <按此> 進入支付寶網頁,然後選擇個人戶口後再登入,之後在「我的支付寶」一欄的首頁,就可以見到賬戶是否仍有餘額,如有就要快點用完它們了!


支付寶方面回覆: 餘額不會被沒收! 未來只要用戶補全身份信息,帳戶餘額就能繼續使用,因此我們推薦用戶綁定內地銀行卡完善身份信息,以享受更便捷和多元化的服務。可供選擇的銀行是: 儲蓄卡  / 信用卡 。


其實好多人都有呢個誤會!實際上大家在便利店買的「支付寶購物卡」(電腦收據),並非為支付寶戶口充值。今次停止的只是沒有綁定中國本地銀行戶口銀行卡的支付寶賬戶,但往後大家仍然可以在便利店購買「支付寶購物卡」,而以「支付寶購物卡」付款買淘寶嘢,基本上是不受影響的。順帶一提,「集分寶」亦不受今次事件影響,5 月 20 日後暫時可以繼續使用。
OK 買到的支付寶卡/購物卞

誤解5:就算唔開戶口,找其他第三方充值公司幫我充值都可以啦 !

錯哂!如果大家會使用第三方充值公司,為你的支付寶戶口充值,5 月 20 日後這些公司就不能再為未有綁定中國本地銀行戶口銀行卡的支付寶賬戶充值(因為就算充值到都用唔到!),所以大家亦無可能再用呢種方法幫支付寶戶口充值然後購物了。當然,有些以往提供為大家充值支付寶賬戶的公司,現在會改為提供代付服務,不過手續上感覺比以往代充值更麻煩,筆者就不太建議大家使用了……

誤解6:我無信用卡以後淘唔到貴野 /  預售、虛擬物品及增值買唔到?

好多時交易金額又過晒 PPS / 八達通上限,又無 Jetco 其實可以可以找朋友或公司代付。官方回覆: 在雙 11 大促等活動期間,我們會視情況調整渠道支付限額。如有大額需求,建議使用信用卡,單日單筆最高消費金額為 RMB10,000元。預售及虛擬商品目前尚未支持外卡支付,而大於 RMB 1元的實物類商品及阿里去啊(旅遊),無論是否有優惠,都已經開放外卡支付。


都錯!誠然,以往在淘寶購物後要退貨,店方如果要退款,一般都會退到支付寶賬戶內,但以後就不能使用這種方式退款了。不過據淘寶官方表示,系統會在 5 月底前完成升級,屆時大家用哪種方式付款,如要退款就會退回該種付款方式的賬戶內,例如:如果大家用八達通付款,退款就會退回八達通賬戶內;用信用卡付款,就會退回信用卡賬戶,如此類推。但不同方法退款時間亦有異,這一點就需要大家自行向不同平台查詢了。支付寶方面回覆: 未來經八達通、PPS、國際信用卡/中銀信用卡、Aeon 信用卡、支付寶購物卡等支付方式購物如發生退款,資金也不會再進入用戶的支付寶餘額賬戶,而是沿原路退回。用戶如在使用支付寶購物卡過程中產生餘額,也不會受到新規影響,而是儲存在一個專用的餘額賬戶中。


其實而家要俾錢買淘寶嘢,方法已經比以前多好多:除了上文提及可以繼續在便利店買「淘寶券」,並以「支付寶購物卡」付款外,亦可以選擇用信用卡、PPS 繳費靈、八達通、銀通卡、中銀卡快捷支付、永旺快捷支付、甚至 Tap&Go 等俾錢,部分方法所收手續費其實都唔算太多(例如:八達通、 Tap&Go 同部份信用卡都只是 1.5%),基本上唔會蝕太多手續費(甚至筆者覺得比用支付寶更方便)。


其實「自用永遠係最抵」!最唔洗蝕就係大家係淘寶搵搵有冇咩想買又之前未買的,趁今次要「清零」機會,狠下心腸將它們買下來。當然,如果真係要套現,其實大家可以係淘寶買 iTunes 日本 / 美國戶口的充值卡,又或者某些網上遊戲的點數卡,咁樣拿到手後再賣番出去,點都可以套現番部分掛?但記住!!一定要買實體卡,而唔係俾個戶口人地幫你充值個種服務,咁先有 resell value。

11 Online Shopping Sites Like Amazon

11 Online Shopping Sites Like Amazon
What was once a rather scary proposition has become a way of life for people around the world. Yes, we're referring to online shopping; and the big daddy of online shopping - Amazon. In case you've had your fill of it, and are looking for some interesting Amazon alternatives, this post has 11 of them listed just for you. Take your pick...

Amazon is known as the 'big daddy' among online retailers for all the right reasons. The company claims to have the biggest selection of books, magazines, music, DVDs, electronics, computers, software, clothing, accessories, jewelry, tools, hardware, housewares, furniture, sporting equipment, and beauty products on the entire planet. No one's really verified this, but one look at the site's enormous range of products, and you realize that there is some truth to this.

Despite being a top-of-the-rung shopping site, Amazon does have its own share of competitors. And even if you happen to be an Amazon loyalist, it would only be interesting to check out these great alternatives.

11 Best Sites Like Amazon


What can we say about Overstock that hasn't already been said? 1,000,000+ amazing products from all over the world. This site offers some fabulous value-added deals on a wide range of products, following a model that is pretty similar to Amazon's. Overstock is steadily climbing the charts as Amazon's closest competitor, and they have also begun to cater to customers from all over the globe.

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This Japanese e-commerce giant made quite a splash when it took over Buy.com, breaking into US and European markets. In terms of sales figures, Rakuten ranks among the world's top sites. Their forte remains electronics, and you can find some amazing value-for-money deals on appliances and gadgets on the site.

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Consumers in the United States are all too familiar with Sears, and its long standing legacy in the retail sector. Their online store offers the same clean-cut and no-frills shopping experience. With a Sears card in hand, your discounted deals only get sweeter; besides you're always assured of timely delivery and quality products at your doorstep.

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Now, we know how Bluefly is an online store exclusively dedicated to fashion. But there indeed are a lot of consumers out there looking to get decent deals on high-end fashion brands―and honestly, Amazon does disappoint in this area. We've included Bluefly for this very reason―even fashionistas deserve to get their share of discounted deals online.

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It's short for Want, Need, Love, in case you were among the few who were wondering. The reason why this site is a must-visit is because it combines the two great loves of our lives―Pinterest-style hoarding, and discounted shopping. Check out the site in case you don't believe this is actually happening.

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There are times when laziness takes over our lives, rendering us as paralyzed slobs. This is the time when we get really thankful for Target having an amazing online portal for us to shop in the comfort of our homes. You've been warned though, that the site can be as addictive as the stores themselves.

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Quirky's name ought to give you a fair idea about what's in store for you―and it's all delightfully quirky in every sense of the word. Any shopper's regular grouse remains that the products are all too similar across all websites, which can dull the shopping experience to a great degree. But with Quirky, you get to browse through some really unique products which aren't always mass-manufactured. As a consumer, it always is a win-win to get their hands on something which really is one-of-a-kind.

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This one's a cute site, which again lets you 'heart' your favorite products, creating a pile of your coveted items. Flash sales are frequently organized, which allows users to pick up their listed items for less. They ensure that you get the best pricing by comparing costs across a list of vendors.

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We just can't complete this piece without awarding a mention to Walmart. The word 'savings' is synonymous with 'Walmart', gaining a long list of fans for this enterprise. So, just like in the case of Target, if you're feeling to lazy to drive to a store, check out Walmart's website―it offers all the happiness of shopping without moving a muscle.

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What on earth would we do with our unwanted used goods if ebay didn't exist? Yes, we let out a shudder too. Ebay is a favorite among people looking to sell (nice) things that they don't wish to keep for themselves, along with buyers who don't mind picking up (nice) used goods at a fair price. A pioneer of sorts among all auction sites, ebay is worth its weight in gold.

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Best Buy

Best Buy is the go-to option to fulfill your shopping needs when it comes to all kinds of electronics, gadgets, and accessories. The site lets you buy a product online, and pick it up from their store if it happens to be in your vicinity, thus saving you shipping costs. They also have an excellent reward system in place for regular shoppers.

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